Beginner React Projects To Practice

Beginner React Projects To Practice

And features you could add to boost your skills


3 min read

In this article, we will be covering 4 different react projects for beginners to build to help them learn and practice building projects with React.

A Todo List

We all know what a todo list is. Its a great starter project to build since it will teach you fundamentals of React like components, state management, handling input and more.

Some features you would want to include:

  • List of to-dos
  • Input field to add a to-do
  • Checkbox to mark a to-do as complete
  • Delete button to remove a to-do

You can also advance this project by fetching the to-dos from an API such as JSON Placeholder so that you can also practice using APIs with React.

If you are already reasonably comfortable with React, a to-do list probably won't be a great project since its really simple and easy to build. However, its a great project for a complete beginner to learn the basics of React.

A Weather App

A weather app is a simple project where the user enters what city they are in, and the application fetches data about the weather in that city from an API. This project teaches skills like using APIs, binding user data to API requests and display API data to the user.

Some features you would want to include:

  • Ability to search weather by city
  • Display weather data like temperature
  • Filter weather by day

There are plenty of weather APIs out there that are free to get started with making this a great project to build if you're a beginner with React.

A Notes App

A notes app is a simple app you can build where users can create notes and these are saved to their local storage so if the page is refreshed they can still keep their notes. This project teaches skills like managing local storage, handling user input and more.

Some features you would want to include:

  • Ability to create notes
  • Ability to delete notes
  • Notes saved to local storage
  • Nicely styled notes

This project is a great project for beginners since being able to use local storage is an important skill when building applications.

A Rock Paper Scissors Game

We've all played rock paper scissors before. Its a really simple game that can be created with React where a user clicks on rock, paper or scissors and it either wins, draws or loses depending on what the computer chooses.

Some features you would want to include:

  • Ability to select rock, paper or scissors
  • Generate random choice for computer each round
  • Compare user's choice and computer's choice to determine a winner

This is a fun project that a beginner should build to help them learn react since it will teach them state management, handling user input and using randomly generated numbers to make decisions.

Take Away

This article has covered 4 different react projects beginners can build to help them practice their skills and improve their ability to use React. Feel free to share your version of any projects mentioned here in the comments of the article.

๐Ÿ‘Œ Thanks for reading this article!

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